
Price offer request for Accounting systemization service

If you are interested in a regular accounting service in addition to Accounting systemization service, please choose appropriate Price Calculator and fill in the form to get a price offer.

To get a price offer Accounting systematization service please fill in the form:

Company's name:*
( e.g: Firm OÜ , Akts AS )
Short description of business activities: *
( (give a short description of your business activities: area of activity, import of goods and/or services, warehousing, client sales, etc)
Number of months needed to be entered?: *
(the exact number)
Estimated number of documents:*
Number of invoices of purchase and sale: *
Number of cash invoices: *
Number of bank statements: *
Number of lease/loan calculations: *
Number of payroll accounting items: *
Number of contracts: *
Cause for needing the "Accounting systemization" service: *
(describe breifly)


Given name and surname: *
(e.g: John Doe)
(e.g: firstname.surname@domeen.ee )
Phone: *
(e.g: mob. 123 456 office: 456 678)

(Skype,ICQ,IRC,AIM etc, e.g: Skype: username )

