Apartment cooperatives Calculator
Units of account is a cooperative.
** Enters the apartment owners` cost and revenue data for billing cooperative housing costs.
** Shares cooperative housing costs pursuant to the rules set forth by the association
** Sends data banks for bills paid by direct debit.
** Sends e-mail accounts house members (those who have e-mail).
How many reported record fees are there in a month?
(may be work, board member, etc. agreement).
** wage and tax calculation
** payroll preparation
** health insurance fund registered employees entering and removal from the register
** days holiday and accounting fees
** checkout of maintenance allowances
** calculation of allowances
Work with different bank accounts. Administration of current credit and leasing agreements and monitoring payment schedules. Transport vehicles VAT accounting.
Choosing YES
* the client has its own software to which the accountant has access
Choosing NO
* Arbalans software is used
Choosing YES
* Arbalans keeps digital documents during 7 years period.
Choosing NO
* Arbalans doesn't keep digital documents during 7 years period.
Choosing YES
* The apartment association is liable for VAT
Choosing NO
* The apartment association is not liable for VAT
Choosing Client
* The customer enters the indicator data into the self-service
Choosing Arbalans
* Arbalans inserts indicator data into self-service
Choosing Client
* The accountant sends invoices via e-mail to Management
* Management will print them yourself on paper
Choosing Arbalans
* Accountant prints invoices on paper
* and forward them to the Management
Choosing Client
* Management posting bills itself mailboxes.
Choosing Arbalans
* Eesti Post AS posted bills.
Selecting "monthly"
* Refers to the accountant records 1-2 of the previous month.
* Customers can view their latest activities in the previous month, the following month (21st day).
Selecting "weekly"
* Inserts the documents received from the accountant once a week on an ongoing basis.
* The customer has an overview of the actuality no more than 7 days.
Selecting "daily"
* Enter the accountant documents received each day on an ongoing basis.
* The customer has an overview of the actuality is not older than 1 day.

** Documents reflecting the previous month records should be held by the accountant for the seventh day of the following month.
Total Monthly Service Fee
Accounting service fee:
0 | 0 (with VAT)
Annual report 1/12:
0 | 0 (with VAT)
Digital archiving 1/12:
0 | 0 (with VAT)
